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Submitted Conference Content

Full name

Hugo Messer

Job Entrepreneur - CEO
email h [dot] messer [at] bridge-outsourcing [dot] nl
Skypeid hugomesser
Phone number +31654230708
Company Bridge Global
City (Country) +31654230708
Time 3h00
Type of Conference Workshop / 40 attendees
Level Everybody

How to manage distributed teams successfully


Hugo Messer is a successful entrepreneur with tremendous experience running distributed software development teams. For ten years he has been running Bridge Global, a fully distributed offshore software company with developers all over the world. Based on this experiences he helps other distributed teams collaborate better by organizing workshops. He has written 6 books about managing remote teams. Recently he set up Ekipa.co, a global market place for software teams.


In Hugo’s workshop, participants will create a best practice board in teams of 5-6 people. The teams go through each block of ‘The Bridge Canvas’. The goal is to share best practices, ideas and experiences. Per block, each team selects the ‘best best practice’. At the end of the workshop, each team will present the best best practices for each block. At the start of the workshop, Hugo shares a few best practices (personal ones + from other distributed agile experts). Each person gets a handout with clear instructions. This includes some questions to stimulate thinking within the team + some best practice examples per block.

Benefits for the attendees

Key learning points: • Practical experiences from seasoned distributed team managers/coaches • Learn how to communicate smoothly across culture, distance and time • How to bridge cultural differences in distributed teams • How to apply agile methods to a distributed setting

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